I wrote this poem for my mother years ago. I've never shared it with anyone but her. As this will be my first Mother's Day without her, I'm sending it out into the world with love. 

Mothers Days

Mothers bear, mothers hold
mothers watch, mothers scold
mothers fear, mothers wake
mothers love, mothers ache

Mothers tickle, mothers play
mothers laugh, mothers stay
mothers kiss, mothers tend
mothers wash, mothers mend

Mothers sing, mothers read
mothers show, mothers lead
mothers feed, mothers worry
mothers clean, mothers hurry

Mothers pale, mothers fly
mothers bandage, mothers cry
mothers know, mothers fake
mothers offer, mothers take

Mothers tire, mothers yell
mothers rage, mothers tell
mothers drive, mothers fund
mothers nag, mothers shunned

Mothers wait, mothers hope
mothers watch, mothers cope
mothers phone, mothers send
mothers visit, mothers lend

Mothers listen, mothers cheer
mothers comfort, mothers near
Daughters grow, daughters learn
daughters thank, daughter's turn


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